Kumu Hula (Dance Teacher) Angelie Bliss is the Founder of Halau Hula 'O Anelalani.
Angelie learned the Polynesian Dancing when she was living part of the year on NiUE iSLAND, SOUTH PACiFiC and part in the U.S.A. between 1986-1988.
Angelie has been teaching Polynesian Dancing since 1992. She had taught students in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Hawaii & California U.S.A. and in the Philippines.
She expanded her knowledge of the Polynesian Dancing from her Kumu Hula in Molokai (1995-1996) and the Big Island (2000-2002 and January 2015), Hawaii U.S.A.
Angelie Bliss of Halau Hula 'O Anelalani granted Certification of Recognition for Teachers of HAPA HAOLE POLYNESiAN DANCES with Basic I, II, III & IV in Colorado, U.S.A. and in the Philippines.